Caritas Day
March 28, 2020
"Faith which is lived out in a serious manner gives rise to acts of authentic charity" Pope Francis (10/31/2013)
"La fe que se vive en forma seria, da lugar a actos de caridad auténtica", el papa San Francisco (10/31/2013)
At the project "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder" we visit the elderly at 3 different nursing homes in our area. We provide the loving touch of hand massages and nail polish
if they would like, showing God's love through personal care.
En el proyecto "la belleza está en el ojo del Beholder " visitamos a los ancianos en 3 diferentes residencias de ancianos en nuestra área. Proporcionamos el toque amoroso de masajes de manos y esmalte de uñas si les gustaría, mostrando el amor de Dios a través del cuidado personal.
This project serves Regency Village, Focus Care, The Shores at Clear Lake
and Regent Care Center
Este proyecto sirve a Regency Village, Focus Care, The Shores at Clear Lake y Regent Care Center
Age 12 & up/12 años en adelante
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