St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church


Caritas Day

 March 28, 2020

"Faith which is lived out in a serious manner gives rise to acts of authentic charity" Pope Francis (10/31/2013)

   "La fe que se vive en forma seria, da lugar a actos de caridad auténtica", el papa San Francisco (10/31/2013)

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Help Your Neighbor Mary’s Helpers Released Into Joy Shelter the Homeless St. Francis Project St. Honoré Sweet Treats St. Kateri Trash Bash St. Zita Creating Order

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Caritas!

Forma en español

*list 2nd & 3rd choice in the event

1st project full

This is intended to be a parish wide day of charity to the community.  Families are encouraged to take this opportunity to share as a family the experience of being Christ to others.  All children must be accompanied by an adult.

We truly appreciate you volunteering!

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Help Your Neighbor Mary’s Helpers Released Into Joy Shelter the Homeless St. Francis Project St. Honoré Sweet Treats St. Kateri Trash Bash St. Zita Creating Order
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Help Your Neighbor Mary’s Helpers Released Into Joy Shelter the Homeless St. Francis Project St. Honoré Sweet Treats St. Kateri Trash Bash St. Zita Creating Order
